No’ Money

I have no money. I work a lot (for a student). I spend sometimes, but not unreasonably. I used to live in an incredibly cheap place, but I no longer do. I try very hard to keep track of what I do and do not buy, what pits my money is falling into, but I am bad at that. Living in Vancouver, going to school, working in a job where I certainly do not make six figures is HARD.

But I’m not interested in struggling through it anymore! I’ve started following some excellent women with some fantastic advice (and some with horrible stories of debt that make me feel a LOT better about at least being broke, not wildly in debt). Here are some of the blogs that I’ll be using as jumping off points for the future, please, feel free to send me whatever recommendations you may have!

  • Jessica Moorhouse is a Coquitlam-born, Toronto-dwelling millenial (do we hate that word or do we use it, can’t keep track!) with fantastic money advice and a great podcast, aptly called Mo’ Money. Shout out to my boyfriend’s mom for introducing me to this fabulous gal (via my podcast app, not in real life). Oh and she is an SFU grad so I relate on many levels.
  • Cait Flanders, formerly Blonde on a Budget pulled herself out of $28 000 in debt in like five years. Yes. She has great spreadsheets for getting a budget started for yourself! She also has super interesting updates on a shopping ban she did in 2014.
  • Christine of The Wallet Diet also managed to pull herself out of some serious student debt. Plus her blog is soooo pretty to look at and has great, cheap, local ideas!
  • Danielle Lemon, real person and actual friend of mine! Dani and I met in 2013 doing A… My Name is Alice with Skycorner Productions, and I am pretty sure there is nothing this woman can’t do. On top of being a lawyer by day, wildly talented musical theatre performer by night, Dani also runs a really neat blog, and is currently undergoing her own Shopping Ban.

That’s all I’ve got to start out, but you better believe I am going to keep myself accountable for this. Some of these ladies were able to turn debt and money issues into actual lucrative careers, and that is about as cool as it gets. That is what I love so much about the communications industry. Anyone can find success online if they have the right tools and the motivation to do so. And while this might not be my goal for the moment, who knows what will happen!

One Reply to “No’ Money”

  1. Say hi and thanks to your boyfriend’s mom, she has excellent taste 😉

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