Oh look! A website. Something I’ve been meaning to do for about a hundred years, finally coming to fruition. But, as usual, it is because it was assigned to me in school, not motivated by my own desires to self-promote. That is definitely a bonus though.
As a communications student I’m fascinated by our desire to showcase our lives online. We study it, we read about it, we wonder why. I think I get it though. Online I can choose to be whoever I want to be, I can make my life appear a lot more interesting than it may or may not be.
But that’s not why I’m here. I’m here to talk about what I like, what I don’t like, what I eat, what I see, how I navigate the world. Hopefully it’ll be interesting some of the time, but the part I’m most excited about is the avenue within which I can express myself online, and hopefully have fun while doing it.